Hey! So, here’s some news. (Not really) I have decided to change the overall format of this blog. I KNOW! I haven’t even been doing it a year, and I’m already changing shit up. What the frick? Well, I’m just not posting as regularly as I’d hoped, even though I do pretty much make art every day, or at least work on art and art related crap, every day. I think maybe having some sort of structured blog schedule may help with that, even though I don’t really have a structured making-stuff schedule. Why? I don’t know. Because! Even if no one ever really reads this, it’s fun for me, and a way to document what’s going on in my little art world, so I’m hoping to build it up into something useful for whomever happens to come across it.
So, here’s what I’ve come up with so far… this is, of course, subject to change. I tend to get obsessed with ideas, so we’ll see.
Tuesday-Newsday: (Boozeday, just kidding, not kidding, just kidding) Like it sounds. I’ll basically just post a mish-mash of everything I’m working on, upcoming shows, future projects, ideas, like that t-shirt design above, and whatever else I deem necessary to tell you about. Tomorrow however, I’m going to Tiger Army in Tulsa, and even though I’m working on a shit-ton of stuff right now, it’ll probably be next week before I post a catch-up post though, SORRY! I know the one person who might read this (thank you) will be disappointed. 😛

Actual finished projects, videos, tutorials, etc… that are worthy of their own posts will happen as they happen! I reeaalllly want to start making more videos, of drawing, tutorials, etc… I’m just figuring out the best camera set up, and my horrid video presence. There should totally be a day JUST for drawings, but no freakin’ day starts with D, so… I guess I’ll just do Draw-Day, and it will be whatever day I draw, but wait, that defeats the whole purpose of this plan. See what I mean?
Way-Back-Wednesday: Maybe post a flashback piece of art I’ve had around for a while, or revisiting a medium I haven’t fucked with in forever, or doing something retro, or learning an old school way of doing something… I don’t know, could be a lot of possibilities with this one.

Food-Friday: Yeah, you heard me right. I KNOW! I’m so not a cook, or a food blogger, or Martha Stewart, my kitchen is disgusting and so not photography-worthy, but my BF and I have been doing a lot of cooking and experimenting with low-carb recipes, and just experimenting with cooking in general, so it would be cool to share. Plus, I mean… I HAVE lost almost 30 pounds this year, so I figure I might as well share what I eat, because I’m always super curious what ACTUAL people on low-carb, paleo, and keto diets actually eat on a day-to-day basis that don’t necessarily fall into the pretty, bloggy blog, ad-heavy, food blogger posts that I see all the time.

Anyway… thanks for reading, and I hope I can offer something of value to anyone who takes the time to actually check out my bullshit! <3 <3 <3