It would be so amazing to be able to create something new to completion and put it out into the world every single day, and although that is definitely my ultimate goal, sometimes it’s just not possible. Actually making art and finishing it is the best thing ever, but the behind the scenes stuff is fun too. So, since I don’t have a finished piece of work to show you for yesterday, I thought I’d post a little about what WAS accomplished.
For one, I sold a piece that I painted a few years ago. That always makes for a great day!
Need some ink in your skin, or some metal in your face? Well, how about some art on your walls! We spent a good majority of the day at Hall of Tattoos, rearranging existing art on display and adding new art for sale in the lobby. It looks great!

We are hoping to start doing some art focused events here in the near future, featured artists and tabling for second friday, etc… Keep your eyes peeled for that. Also, if you’re a local artist interested in hanging your art here, contact Mike NoTalent.

So, come get a tattoo or a piercing, and check out the art while you’re at it!
We also had some transparencies made for patches we are printing up this weekend. Due to many requests, we are finally going to do patch versions of Okie as Fuck, and Misprints. We’ll have these and some other new patch designs at Tulsa Punk Rock Flea Market in April, can’t wait!
One word. RESTORE. I found some kick ass frames, because… duh, I always find great frames at Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

I really love this place.
In between all this, also gathering and working on new art for this year’s Everything is not OK, a four-day punk/art festival in OKC. This is the third year, and I’m really looking forward to being a part of it this year!
All in all it’s been a productive day or two… and honestly, one reason I wanted to start this blog was to get off my ass and work through my recent lack of motivation. So far, it’s definitely doing the trick.
Now, time to get in some bass practice.