Screenprinted a Bunch o’ New Patches – Getting Ready for TPRFM!

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Yay, we FINALLY made some Okie as Fuck patches, due to popular demand! Also, the new A-OK design and, of course, Misprints. These will also be available in our online shop soon!

We are getting all geared up for April’s Tulsa Punk Rock Flea Market, so we’re printing and painting and designing and making our faces off! Here’s the flyer, if you’re around OK at the end of April, you don’t wanna miss it!

This is always a whole lotta fun, and there’s always tons of cool shit to buy! So, if you’re here, GO!
Screenprinting is not an easy process! We are getting better and were super stoked to successfully burn these screens after fucking up the last one.


We also invested in a flash dryer which will definitely help with adding another coat if we didn’t get a good print the first time, and making the curing process faster! We’ve been curing with a heat gun up to this point, which isn’t bad, but this should be better.
Flash drying patches to add another coat so they’re super printed

….aaaaand silly me, forgot to actually take pics of the printing process, so that’ll have to be something I include in a future post! Maybe by that time, I’ll be even better at it, so it will be of some benefit to readers. 🙂 <3

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